Friday, September 28, 2007

Summing up today

I already was able to produce some nice graphs, but still depending a lot on manual editing, instead of auto-generation. Problem is, I first need to output to CVS, and take care of all the strange things in the spreadsheet.

I was looking at the possibility of using a graphs tool, and I found it, but it's not immediate to make the transformation, and particularly make some transformations all around. maybe Excel 2003 has a better support? The aim of the project is *not* transforming.

Anyway, today, produced:
under /GMAN/tests/shell:
> #creates batch messages and sends them. configurable inside (report to previous posts)
> runSomeTests. good ones were : timedResults{21,23,25}.log[.xml] this were already outputed to csvTestResults.csv, and edited in csvTestResults.sxc I might delete all the rest? :S
> test.xslt. Transformation of the current output to a different one (according to the software downloaded: ). charts.swf seems a proper soft for producing charts, but have to work out the transformations :(

under project SmallUtils:
A simple SaxParser that converts the log files produced to csv, and appends all together in csvTestResults.csv.

Some ideas for next tests:
1. Measure broker disk consumption, and try to push it to 100% (maybe increase message payload size? )
2. test with many producers;
3. test with consumers.

for automation, we'll need to have scripts allowing to subscribe and unscribe (use wassh?)

and that's all folks!

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