Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Meeting with James Casey and Piotr Nyczyk

We went through Wojciech Czech presentation on Grid Messaging System.

Main conclusions drawn:
I will be using AMQ messaging system, which implements jms and offers lots of other features such as persistance queuing of messages, possibility of redundacy through master=slave replication, etc... check his presentation (on the e-mail James sent) for more info.

Personal Notes: Check on latency issues (maybe have priority on the messages configurable on the system? Is this possible?

TODO (tomorrow): Analyze code, published : pay attention that 'src' folder doesn't have anything.
Read specification + SAM + Naigos?;
Check if access to boxes was granted;
Read something on JMS Selectors ( Get a good book from library)
Extend the tests already done and reported in the presentation.

" boxes:
lxb6117, lxb6118

AMQ Broker:
OpenWire: lxb6117:6166
STOMP: lxb6117:6163


GMS Publisher script:
https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/GridPublisherSpecification "

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