Wednesday, October 10, 2007

meeting with James and Max

Just to have a milestone and work on the coming tasks.

- I presented the work done up to know, briefly explaining what has been done in terms of the scripts using scripting ( based on netcat and wassh.)

- on doubts expressed by me and Max regarding the context of the messaging, James clarified the following points:
a) OGF hasn't still endorsed any messaging structure within the grid: all grid is built on point to point;
b) The messaging system is supposed to be a thin layer. Main idea is to decouple the services from knowing what he has to contact;
c) Some use cases for the moment are:
i) SAM publication: workerNodes/Clients are located anywhere. SAM has a central service, getting all the reports from these test Jobs, but some of them are deployed locally. The idea is that the test results would be sent to the closest broker and this would send the message to the proper Central SAM service.

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